Discover the Lisbon and the Lisbon Coast

Discover the Lisbon and the Lisbon Coast

Discover the Lisbon and the Lisbon Coast

As the capital city of Portugal, Lisbon offers everything you could expect and more. With a wealth of history blended effortlessly with modern commerce, it is considered the gateway to Europe and is home to many international brands, companies and people.

Surrounding it is the Lisbon coast which not only houses the largest of Portugal’s cities but offers a deceptive stretch of golden beaches, dramatic cliffs and bustling, lively seaside towns.


Lisbon City


As only one of two Portuguese cities to be considered global cities, Lisbon is a major economic centre not only for Portugal but also in Europe. Billed as the “coolest city”in Europe by CNN, it offers everything you would expect from a major international city. Sat in a hilly coastal position, it is one of the oldest cities in the world and houses important commerce such as finance, media, entertainment, arts, international trades, education and tourism. Offering an international airport, motorway network and high speed rail system, it is easy to connect to other parts of Portugal, Europe and the rest of the world. 

Read more about Lisbon 




A converted summer retreat popular with the Portuguese, Cascais is steeped in history, having been location for the Portuguese royal family of a bygone age. It is rich in culture and home to some of the finest mansions and palaces in a small historical old town. The beaches here are ideal for those looking to paddle board or surf and with its direct connection to Lisbon it has become a popular suburban area for those looking to escape the city. 

Read more about Cascais




Offering a slightly calmer pace than neighbouring Cascais, Estoril offers grand hotels and turreted villas. Once the playground of the rich and famous, Estoril’s casino was the basis on which the James Bond Casino Royale film was created. Connected with a coastal promenade to Cascais, it is positioned as a well heeled resort, that offers a great selection of bars and restaurants clustered around numerous palm lined parks. Whilst it attracts tourism as many places in Portugal do, it is also a great base in which to live and work. 

Read more about Estoril




Just 30 minutes south of Lisbon, Setúbal is at the heart of Portugal’s sardine industry, with a landscape that blends the beauty of the beaches and mountains together effortlessly. Another location steeped in history, the city dates back to Roman times, which can be seen in the buildings and streets of the city centre. Famed for its sweet Moscatel wine. Between the many squares and public parks you will find cafes and restaurants dotted around where the locals will still sit and enjoy the moment. 


Read more about Setúbal

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